Hopefully, you’ve gotten your free tickets for the ComEd EV Rally at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. If you haven’t go to comedevrally.com to get your discount code. You can visit the museum for free on July 29th – because it is RACE DAY!
I’m in the Pit Crew this year and we’ve been working hard with the mentors and racers to get ready to complete STEM challenges and race the cars that the racers have built around the track at MSI.
We had four build nights to prepare for the big day.

I’m working with Team Fuchsia Fusion this year, and they did a great job building their car.

They did really well and worked great together.

I saw so many of our mentors from last year when I was a racer. Always great to take a selfie with Rebecca Dempsey from Comed!

On the last day, I was asked to take a few minutes and share how being involved in STEM programs and being a content creator has benefitted me.

Here’s my team next to “me” showing the iPads that they got during the program!
The race begins at 12 pm at the Museum of Science and Industry. Don’t forget to grab your free tickets. I can’t wait to see what team will be the 2023 ComEd EV Rally champions!